About Me

My photo
Brooklyn, NY, United States
a newlywed and new mommy : a lover of photography, cooking, and being outdoors : a spanish-speaker and a future organic farmer

30 March 2009

project 365: day 16: clock tower, late sunset

day 16: irvington clock tower

the sky had such an amazing blue color late into the sunset and i hope i captured that. this clock tower sits on top of irvington town hall. the building has been around for at least 100 years. the weather was pretty windy today and i love when the sky is tumultuous.

project 365: day 15: Glen Hughes at CBGBs

day 15: glen hughes : deep purple

glen hughes played a show tonight at the old CBGBs on the Bowery. this guy has a ridiculous amount of talent, phenomenal voice and a crazy bass player. the show was incredible and entertaining. everyone in the audience was totally into the show. awesome night.

28 March 2009

project 365: day 14: big fat yawn

day 14: jaco and his big mouth

this definitely sums up the day. we went for a run in the morning and while i slaved away cleaning the house, this dog just slept and slept. this was the kind of saturday that went on forever.

27 March 2009

project 365: day 13: 6 months married

day 13: 6 month anniversary

we just got back from having dessert at a local restaurant to celebrate 6 months of being married. we set the camera up on a pile of books on the coffee table and set the timer. i love the light and the detail in the photo, but there is a simplicity as well. i hope it is conveyed.

26 March 2009

project 365: day 12: self portrait

day 12: self

it's always strange to take a picture of yourself. there is no hair and makeup, no one giving you direction, no objectivity. i don't have a tripod so i don't really pose. i took this picture in front of the mirror in our hallway. it's painted yellow, and i used a high film speed so the whole picture has a kind of dirty, stale roadside motel feeling to it. i was on my way out to work and wasn't too happy about it. hopefully you see a combination of intensity, exasperation, mistrust and urgency. either way, tell me what you see...

25 March 2009

day 11: night lights

day 10: night lights

this picture was taken near the train tracks in irvington. the sun had just gone down and i had to use a high film speed, hence the grainy texture. i like the mood of the picture and the uniform glare of the lights on the bottom. again, this is one of the last pictures shot of the day. it seems like the last frames of the shoot are turning out to be the best. the uploading quality of this site isn't the greatest. you can find me on www.flickr.com as well.
hope you are enjoying the posts!

24 March 2009

project 365: day 10: deer in the vines

deer in the vines

this is almost the exact spot i took yesterday's sunset picture, but i'm facing the other way. i was taking jaco out for a walk on the trail again and this guy surprised me coming up the hill. when i noticed him, he was about 10 feet away from me, just staring. i didn't think i had anything good to post today but i really like how this one turned out. the picture is almost irritating because you want to move the vines out of the way to see his face more clearly. he just watched me as i moved closer and twitched his ears when the camera went off. very cool experience.

day 9: sunset from the aqueduct trail

day 8: sunset

i was feeling pretty lousy last night so i posted this picture today. it is kind of a cop-out because i wasn't feeling very creative yesterday. i also took this with my iphone camera. there is this awesome aqueduct trail that runs from upstate down to the city that is used to transport water. it was more functional back in the day, but now is a really cool place to hike and run. most of the river towns along the hudson river have stone mile markers throughout the trail. i took this picture while out playing fetch with jaco.

22 March 2009

project 365: day 8: spring rising

spring rising

today was another sunny and gorgeous day. it felt like spring was finally coming. these delicate little blue flowers were rising up from beneath the dead leaves of winter. very inspiring.

21 March 2009

project 365: day 7: rebel pepto house

nati and august : rebel pepto house

this is a great representation of my day. the weather was bright and sunny so i headed to the city with my camera. i met up with nati and her friend scott in prospect park in brooklyn. august socialized with other dogs and got dirty as we gossiped about high-maintenance friends. this bright pink house sits among other neutral colored brownstones in park slope. i like to think the owner wanted to stick it to all the snobby rich people in the neighborhood. what a great way to do it. this was one of the best days i have had in a long time. awesome.

20 March 2009

day 6: timothy in the studio

timothy in his studio

this is a great picture for the day. we were both pretty lazy around the house and spent most of our time being creative. i went for a run with jaco in the morning and felt like i was running through sand. later on, i was inspired by the food network and made a crazy awesome lunch. after we stuffed ourselves, timothy spent the rest of the day in his studio immersed in scoring a film. i love how busy the picture is with all his equipment, instruments, and books. jaco assumes this position for the majority of the day.
happy friday:)

19 March 2009

day 5: birthday leftovers

timothy's birthday decorations

this picture is awesome because i always want it to be this simple. we don't need big crazy presents for our birthdays, we don't need a big production. balloons, paper streamers, homemade cupcakes, lots of love.

18 March 2009

project 365: day 4: Red Velvet Cupcakes

day 4: 18 march: paula deen to the rescue

today i made red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for the first time. i wanted to post this picture because it sums up my day. i shot some industrial sites earlier and a church in sleepy hollow. you can find me on flickr to see those photos. i then bounced around to 3 grocery stores to get all the ingredients for these cupcakes because i wanted to make them for my husband. i ate so much batter and frosting in the process that i don't even want to look at them anymore, but i'm proud of myself:)

17 March 2009

summer in a basket

day 3: 17 march

*!timothy's birthday!*
this is produce from the gourmet market that we live above in irvington. gorgeous, sunny, spring day, post run in the woods with Jaco. the tangelos remind me of summer...

tangelo basket

leaf lettuce

i want to take a vacation

the project 365

hi there
i just started on a photography project called "the project 365." the objective is to shoot every day for 365 days. i am excited to see what comes out of it...

day 1: 15 march


day 2: 16 march

poppies from my wedding bouquet
