About Me

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Brooklyn, NY, United States
a newlywed and new mommy : a lover of photography, cooking, and being outdoors : a spanish-speaker and a future organic farmer

01 September 2009

breathe easy Joe

joe mackool
these few photos are a tribute to joe mackool. he died of complications from cystic fibrosis late last night. i was in school with him for many years and he was a dear friend of mine. about a year ago he got a whole new set of lungs at Columbia Presbyterian and proudly showed me his giant stapled scar that went from one armpit to the next. he was skinny, but pink, and said he didn't know what to do with all the extra air in his lungs. after months of chronic organ rejection the disease caught up with him. he will be very very missed.
love you joe

love you...


  1. acacia these are beautiful!!!!love you big <3

  2. That's how I want to remember Joe. Love ya buddy! Great pics.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm so sorry, sweetie. I remember taking that last photo at your wedding. he was fun to photograph.
